Billionaire Dan Pena's Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE

Billionaire Dan Pena's Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People 


Daniel Steven Peña Sr., also known as Dan Peña, is an American businessman. He resides at Guthrie Castle in Scotland, in which he previously operated a wedding business. his speech is awesome and has a lot of things to learn...

Dan Pena's motivation

show me your friends and I'll show you
your future unless you want average in
married two point four kids with one and
a half dogs but I can guarantee you you
will never achieve anything greater than
your highest aspiration
if you want a million you'll make a
million not a million five if you want
10 million a hundred million and you'll
never exceed that if you change a
billion lives that's a formula to become
a billionaire and change the world time
costs lives show me your friends and I
show you your future you want to know
why you're off stop just look at the
bums you hang around with I do what you
don't want to do did you know that you
got to do to be where you want to be Ted
Turner just gave his 75th anniversary
party on CNN a few months ago and he has
it makes a couple of comments and he
says number one and I'm not suggesting
this for everybody
it's how I lived though first ten years
of my starting CNN I slept on my couch I
didn't have an apartment
Bill Gates slept in the office Steve
Jobs slept in the office and I can go
down a whole list now these are super
successful mega-wealthy guys I slept in
my office not everybody's willing to
make that sacrifice but it's not the
only thing but even if you don't want
sleep in your office if you want to send
your kids to a better school if you want
to be able to take care of here your
mother when she gets dementia if you
want to be this all takes money
when I want my children aren't getting
any of my money when I die not not one
centavo not one penny and to my kids are
cool with it
one of them's not so cool with it
I'm not gonna you know I think at Andrew
Carnegie by the way Andrew Carnegie
arguably the richest most successful
entrepreneur of all time
he said the the best thing that you can
have for a child as him to be born into
poverty and I agree lack of self-esteem
lack of self-worth now they think they
have self-worth they think because they
made a few bucks but in actuality and
when they measure it against the other
eight ten twelve people sitting around
the table they realize or they start the
question hell maybe I was just lucky now
all of us when you're only a one-trick
guy or gal think was that lucky now I've
done it so many times I know I'm I
wasn't lucky I might have been lucky the
first time but I'm not haven't been
lucky the 15 20 40 50 I know that okay
but maybe I was lucky the first time
that my life changed when I went I was a
pretty much haphazard kid got a lot of
trouble got arrested four or five times
thrown in jail and this is when my dad's
a cop but then I went I volunteered for
the draft in 1966 at the height of the
Vietnam War and I'm with OCS and that
changed my life because it was the
really first real high performance thing
that I could measure myself against out
there with other people
two-thirds of all fortune 500 CEOs have
one thing in common military background
really two-thirds of those two-thirds
have something else
martial arts
what do you learn in martial arts Brian
discipline focus a lot of people don't
believe they deserve to be there I
convinced them and we have these drills
why you belong there a lot of people
that come there you know with money that
have made money think they made it by
accident right I just had one of my
super stars who's made a hundred million
tell me in the last week you know I'm
not sure I'm gonna have another lucky
accident and I said you did it I mean
you you know you tried a lot of things I
believe Thomas Edison I wouldn't it down
to 10,000 times okay I would hire an
engineer from MIT to do it but I mean
I've tried a lot of things nobody's
failed at more things than I have and
the first hundred million are successes
but I could write a book about failures
that it'd be I mean because I've tried a
lot of different things because failure
is just testing and one of the reasons
I've been so successful in generating
this equity and value in my kids and I
call you all kids is because I convinced
him that making a mistake is okay your
parents probably told you you can be
anything you want but you can't that's
horse you can't if it's all juxtaposed
so but what you tell them is that you
can do anything you want that you have
passion for because that eliminates all
most of the crap because most people
don't follow their dream you know like
they say in the sound of music you can't
have a dream come true unless you have a
dream now I still dream I dream a
technic caller I say my affirmations and
goals every single night it's bloody
hard to be a high-performance person
perfection equals paralysis if you left
at the engineers no car would ever come
off the assembly line no car would ever
come off the assembly line and I've been
in business with enough engineers I can
tell attest to that with my hand on my
heart they'd still be trying to make it
better and internet business is very
much the same the internet kids want to
test and test and test and they will
want the landing page to be this and
roll it out the great thing about the
internet is your results are
instantaneous if something that I'm over
seen at a Concorde level 60,000 feet
doesn't work in two days forget about it
move on
and today at our meeting now the young
kids are we ran a three days sir and we
closed it down and they are thinking I'm
gonna ask why I said no that's fine next
because without them making mistakes and
without them being allowed to make the
decision they never get any better and
in 95 percent of the time I know
probably better than they do we're never
going to be able to know everything or
have them know everything unless they
makes mistakes and get comfortable with
making mistakes what gets measured gets
accomplished without measurement you're
just fooling yourself before I had any
money I used to go to the rolls-royce
dealers and sit in the cars and smell
the leather touch the leather okay went
the million dollar houses and my wife
and I would walk through the house and
they'd say one of your parents getting
here kids no we are the buyers
practice within when you're without
practice being successful how many
people listening to this today practice
being successful today it's through
affirmations to going to the rolls-royce
dealer maybe Lamborghini MA maybe
something else in my particular case it
was rolls-royce and within a year me
going to Rose Royce dealer I had a Rolls
okay within 19 months of me dreaming and
adding it to my goal as a castle on an
island I own got through castle 19
months okay go to stores you can't
afford go hire lawyers you can't afford
lawyers will meet with anybody
accountants will meet with anybody go to
the big four accountants with a business
idea the first couple meetings are for
free jettison probably a lot of the
people you know hang around with if you
have poor public speaking skills join
Toastmasters do these if you go if you
good it went to a good school and you're
not successful go to the alumni deals
okay I didn't go to a good school I'm a
perfect a living example that a lot of
trouble as a kid working-class
background my parents went to just the
mediocre university that I flunked out
of three times before I Bryant graduated
with honors but and had no money to
begin with eight hundred twenty dollars
so it's all possible but I you know I
devoted myself to feeling successful I
was wearing suits like this before I
could afford them
most people procrastinate because
they're unsure so just do it and but
I've never had a problem just doing it
because one of the things you learn as a
young combat interview officer is time
cost lives we overanalyze because we're
unsure we're not overanalyze we don't
overanalyze because we are not sure if
it'll work or not we're more worried
about on the emotional side it
embarrassing us

This Article has no negative impact on the original works 
This Article is also used for teaching purposes.
It is transformative in nature. I ONLY used bits and pieces of articles to get the point across where necessary.

All credit goes to respective owners. Only for educational purposes. 

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